In keeping with QPE’s history of developing innovative product solutions for the underground hard rock mining industry come the QCS and QPSS.
Make an EnquiryQuattro Project Engineering have revisited the way underground services are hung & braced.
Our fully engineered and certified Quattro Q-Claw offers a technically sound solution which significantly reduces the cost associated with each pipework installation.By offering a single point of support, the requirement for the drilling and installation of rock bolts is halved, while the Quattro Q-Claws ability to “hug” the pipe greatly improves the ease of pipe suspension.
The Q-Brace system allows lightweight, multidirectional tensile bracing from a system that is easy to site install without the requirement for custom pipe fabrications. Secured to the pipe via bolt on frictionClamps, the bracing arrangement can be installed anywhere along the pipework as required. The system has been designed such that the lengths of each brace can be adjusted to suit site conditions while thesystems symmetry resolves loads in any direction.